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The good & the not so good days - I have them as well.

We all have the good and the not so good days. Anyone who says they don't is lying - sorry but I just fail to believe someone can be happy 100% of the time.

But what I want to know is what you do about your 'not so good days?'

Do you lock yourself away with a boxset, comfort food and a blanket? Maybe you go to spend time with friends and family? Or do you try and work through it hoping for the next better day to come sooner rather than later?

For me it's running. I love running. Any of my friends and family know that just over a year ago I fell in love with running, something I never thought I would say. I started it to loose weight after a rapid weight gain and to help my lung capcity...Now I run for my health, not just physical but also mental.

Now, I am an early morning runner and I can't think of a better way to start the day than with a burst of exercise to set me up for success and to blow away the worries of the previous day, but I will admit that I do wake up and my mood and mental health will always try and stop me from getting out the door. However, if I don't go in the morning, its likely I won't go at all, then I feel worse and my mood is worse.

The point I am trying to make is that we all have different coping mechanisms and what is right for one person is not always right for the other when we do have them off days. But we have to sometimes put us first and be a little selfish and think I need this time.

We can to often be consumed with work, family or friends - but what have you done for you recently? I mean that question genuinely as well - please share below in the comments what you have done for you, who knows it may help another women reading this post.

P.S - no shame in my pre-run selfie from this morning, if anyone is local to Stoke-on-Trent and you see me, give me a wave, it does cheer us runners on!

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